Trust in the Framework

Is it often said that if one trusts in the process, the intended outcome will be reached. More often than not this proves to be true. Trusting the process can be difficult. Many distractions and forces can take you off course and change your focus. Yet, if you stay on …

Always Starting with the End in Mind

Many leaders with whom I have shared The Business Code with put it into action by using it as the framework for visioning and strategic planning. It works well as a planning tool because, at a high level, it asks you to begin with the end in mind. It requires you to …

Keeping a Strategic Focus on Alignment

It is easy for any team or company to become strategically misaligned. As in the case of G. Hensler, misalignment usually results from a combination of factors. The lure of revenue to support growth and expansion is a powerful force. The idea becomes bigger is better. Frequently, misalignment is the result of …

Aligning the Company + the Team

Do you recognize the name G. Hensler? Probably not. But the chance that you own and wear something the company had a hand in manufacturing is, in fact, quite good. If you bought a leather or canvas belt from one of the specialty retailers found in any mall or from …

It’s Not Only Rock ‘n’ Roll, Is It?

During the first decade of the new century, which of the following was the top tour attraction in North America? Celine Dion Bruce Springsteen U2 The Rolling Stones Dave Matthews Band The Eagles Paul McCartney Kenny Chesney Madonna In the music industry, community has long been a cornerstone for branding …

What is Design Thinking?

“Design thinking is a human-centered innovation process that emphasizes observation, collaboration, fast learning, visualization, and rough prototyping. The objective is to solve not only the stated problem at hand, but the real problems behind the obvious.”Thomas Lockwood So what is design thinking?  There are many definitions of design thinking, but to …

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